We are a team of undergraduate researchers
interested in how cells rearrange their internal building blocks
to provide the mechanical and physical force to navigate complex 3D environments.
interested in how cells rearrange their internal building blocks
to provide the mechanical and physical force to navigate complex 3D environments.
Adikes Lab 3.5For the summer of 2024 the Adikes lab continued to work on multiple exciting projects all supported by the Center for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (Thank You CURCA!). Eve Butler investigated the role of ROS during regeneration in brown planaria. Edna Binga continued to work on experiments to uncover the role of cytoskeleton organization and regulation during cell migration and differentiation. Alyssa Lumnan and Dr. A worked on experiments to understand how cells navigate complex environments using advanced microscopy with our collaborators at the MBL in Woods Hole!
Adikes Lab 2.5For the summer of 2023 the Adikes lab embarked on three exciting projects! The first project, led by undergraduate Thea Akhrass, investigated the role of nuclear hormone receptors in Planaria. The second, led by Alyssa Lunman, Edna Binga and Honora LaRock focused on the role of cytoskeletal organization during cell migration and differentiation in C.elegans. These students are sponsored by the Center for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity The third project, with Maria Fitian, looked at the migratory behaviors of natural killer cells in a zebrafish xenograft model. The third project is a collaborative effort between our lab, Dr. Emily Mace (Columbia University Irving Medical Center) and Dr. Abhishek Kumar (Marine Biological Laboratories/University of Wisconsin-Madison).
Adikes Lab 1.5In the summer of 2022 rising Junior Biology Major Mishal Razi and Biochemistry Major Maria Fitan worked in the lab sponsored by Siena Colleges Center for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity
The Adikes lab opened is doors at Siena College in the Fall of 2021.
Adikes Lab 3.0For the 2023-2024 academic year the lab welcomed Rithika Patnam, Nahal Jangada and Eve Butler! Sana Shehzad completed a capstone project titled: Investigating the role of actin binding proteins in C. elegans sex myoblast migration. Mishal Razi completed a capstone project titled: The Role of Focal Adhesions and Spectrin Proteins in SM Cell Migration. Sana Shehzad was awarded the Thomas A. Whalen Biology Prize for her enthusiastic engagement and accomplishments in biological research. Congratulations to Adikes Lab graduates Maria Fitan, Sana Shehzad, Mishal Razi, Thea Akhrass, Emma Rasch and Angelle Philip!
Adikes Lab 2.0For the 2022-2023 academic year the Adikes lab welcomed Bekkah Clauson, Thea Akhrass and Angelle Philip! Thea, Bekkah, Sana and Maria presented their work at the Developmental Biology Meeting of New York at Ithaca College. Sana, Maria and Mishal presented their work in Washington D.C. at the American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting!
Adikes Lab 1.0Consisted of Junior Biology Major and aspiring Ob/Gyn Terri McKnight, Sana Shehzad Sophomore Biology Major and aspiring MD/PhD and Mishal Razi Sophomore Biology Major.